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Cancer / Heart Attack / Stroke Protection

What is Supplemental Insurance?


Supplemental Insurance can help bridge the gaps between your current or no coverage to the expenses you willl incur by getting sick. Possible diagnosis can be cancer, heart attack, stroke, accidents, and other major illnesses. These plans can offset the out-of-pocket costs that arise and that most medical insurance plans DO NOT cover.


What do supplemental plans do?

When you get sick or incur an injury your supplement policy works to cover the rest of a hospital bill or Doctor costs. These can also cover lost wages and transportation. Whats also important to know is that these benefits are paid directly to you in cash. You can then decide how to spend the money and where it should go.

What do Supplements Cover?

  • Cancer – lump sum benefit to help pay for costs and expenses insurance will not cover
  • Heart Attack – lump sum benefit to help pay for medications or lost wages due to not working
  • Stroke – lump sum benefit to pay for bills and mortgage due to loss work
  • End Stage Renal Failure – lump sum to cover out of pocket costs
  • Hospital Confinement – A daily benefit to you based on how many days spent in a hospital. This is good to cover deductibles.
  • Accident – Lump sum benefit if admitted to a hospital. Helps offset large 5 and 10k deductibles.
  • Disability – A monthly benefit paid to help cover bills and mortgage due to loss of work because of sickness or accident.
  • Long-Term Care – Benefits to help pay for nursing care and facilities when one gets older in age
  • Dental and Vision – Covers cleanings and x-rays. Also money for cavities, root canals, and Eye wear.

Thank you for your interest in Ascension Group – Wealth & Life Insurance. We work closely with our clients to determine the best possible coverage to fit your unique needs and budget. Please feel free to call the office in your area: Dallas – 214.277.9497 and Las Vegas – 800.310.4135 or you can send us an email and an insurance professional will reply promptly.

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